
Location by date

An evolving project as research continues.

Woody Point, Qld.
Woody Point, Qld.
Gayundah’s last day afloat. Having been purchased by the Redcliffe Town Council, she was towed to Woody Point where she was scuttled at the base of the cliffs, to serve as a breakwater to reduce cliff erosion.  
Sydney, NSW.



H.M.A.S. Gayundah is being transformed, says the Sydney Morning Herald. Some days ago she went into Cockatoo docks with the same little low ?? ?? ?? which Australians have known for nearly thirty years. She was a ??? of the famous? flat iron type of gunboat. Where her bow ought to have been there was a triangle of deck ?? ?? ?? a single enormous 8 in. gun ?? ?? from the middle of her fore-head as it were. The blacks on the Queensland coast called her the “broken nose man o’ war.” When the Gayundah comes out of Cockatoo her broken nose will have been mended for ever. The authorities have decided to build her up a respectable forecastle. It will hold another twenty men or so. And the Gayundah, which has already put in thirty years, will probably serve another highly useful thirty. The Gayundah has in her the same engine which brought her out from England in 1884. She steamed a bare ten knots on her trials then, and she steams well over ten knots today. She is used for training the naval reserves along the coast, and she is at work year in year out. She steams 14,000 miles a year and her particular virtue is that she steams it very cheaply. Australians only imperfectly realise what an important ship the Gayundah is.

It is all wrong about the [H.M.A.S] Australia. The Australia was not the first flagship. That honour is claimed by the Gayundah. Shortly after the Commonwealth was inaugurated the Commonwealth of the day ?? ?? in line ahead from the Brisbane River. The Gayundah was leading, the Paluma kept station on her, the picket boat Midge brought up the rear. On the occasion of that historic cruise the Gayundah bore the senior officer’s flag. She has not forgotten it.

The Gayundah is the only ship that has ever turned her guns on to the Queensland police. This historic scene occurred in the Brisbane River about the end of the Eighties. The Queensland Government at the time ran it’s own fleet, consisting of the Gayundah. When the Government had money the Gayundah used to put in a thoroughly strenuous time of it training naval brigades on the coast. When money ran short the Gayundah had to go temporarily to sleep. It was a question of accounts that began it. Where the right or the wrong was does not matter now, and perhaps will never be clear, But the Auditor-General, after going  through the Gayundah’s accounts, wanted to know how it was her crew ate thirteen cases of gunpowder and a ton and a half of nails. And the Government, acting on the time honoured principle that a ship’s captain is responsible for everything that he has never done, called on the captain to resign. The captain of the Gayundah was an enthusiastic, somewhat hot headed ex-naval officer. He was in the service of the Queensland Government, but he strongly objected to this particular treatment, and determined to defy the Government. The captain was ashore, and the Gayundah and her crew, moored off the Botanic Gardens in Brisbane, were quite unconscious of any momentous happenings until a sudden order came to victual and coal ship. Provisions began to come aboard from various quarters. A coal punt? came alongside and for three or four hours the crew worked their souls? out over some unexplained excitement. In the middle of it the captain came aboard. A few forceful phrases from a conversation with his navigating officer in the cabin, threw some light upon the situation. It seemed that “the old man” intended to take the Gayundah to Sydney to report to the Admiral there. They would probably put to see that afternoon. At this juncture bodies of men in dark uniform were made out approaching through the Botanic Gardens. They were policemen. Squad after squad came down to the bank opposite the Gayundah. The Government must have collected every policeman in Brisbane. The Gayundah’s crew judged there were at least a hundred of them. Every policeman had a rifle. It was intimated to the “old man” that the police were there to arrest his ship. The scene which followed the intimation has not yet been forgotten. It ended with the captain ordering the bugler to sound “general quarters for action”. Now, when Gayundah prepared for action the process did not take long, but it could be heard a mile away. There was a wild rattling of chains, a banging of iron doors, a clattering of falling stanchions, a whipping out of forestays to clear the way for the 8-inch gun. The guns slowly bobbed and ducked, and the crew looked along the line of the gun barrels at the place where the policemen had been. The police had not found it necessary to wait for the actual aiming process. Many of them had been naval men, and they were familiar with the call of “general quarters for action.” They had retired behind convenient trees.

A delegacy from the high authorities, however, was allowed to hoard. lt informed the captain that his ship was arrested. The captain replied he was going to Sydney. He was informed that Lytton Fort had been instructed to stop him putting to sea. He retorted that he could blow Lytton Fort skywards or possibly in another direction. And that was as high as the crisis got. Better counsels prevailed. The captain resigned in the end, and the Gayundah never fought her naval action.

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 – 1954)  Thu 26 Mar 1914   Page 5

Sydney, NSW.

The work of modernising the gunboat Gayundah and improving her accommodation as a training vessel for the Naval Reserve is proceeding apace at Sydney. It is expected that the gunboat will be ready for service by the end of March. Unless a substitute is sent to Queensland before then, the Gayundah will come direct to Brisbane to enter upon the annual training work, which was originally scheduled to begin early in March.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Thu 29 Jan 1914   Page 2

Cockatoo Island, Sydney, NSW.
Cockatoo Island, Sydney, NSW.

Gayundah is at Cockatoo Island

When the gunboat Gayundah returns to this port from .Sydney, she will hardly he recognisable to those to whom her lumpy hull with its low bow has been a familiar object for many years past. The gunboat now is at the Commonwealth naval shipyard at Cockatoo Island, where she is undergoing extensive alterations and improvements. The principal feature of the improvements is the building up of the vessel’s bow to a level with bridge deck. This will not only add to the seagoing capabilities of the little craft. but also it will afford great accommodation for the men who undergo the periodical training operations in which the Gayundah plays the important part of flagship.  A similar improvement was effected to the  larger gunboat Protector, which the Commonwealth took over with the  ??? system from the South Australian Government, and this has proved so successful that it has been decided to treat the Queensland gunboat in the same way.  A rumour to the effect that the Gayundah would not be ready in time for the Easter manoeuvres, and that the cruiser Pioneer, which recently was acquired by the Commonwealth for naval training purposes would take her place, was somewhat persistently circulated, but inquiries at official sources elicit the statement that the Gayundah will be back in Brisbane in ample time to take her customary place in the Easter naval training operations.

The Gayundah, together with her sister the Palumah (sic), it will be remembered, was acquired by the Queensland Government at the time of the Russian war scare, in the eighties,  and has remained in the undisputed possession of this State ever since.  The low bow was made a feature of the vessels in order to accommodate the long 6-inch bow chasers which they each carried but which eventually were discarded because of their unwieldiness, and their expensiveness for mere training operations.

The Week (Brisbane, Qld)  23 Jan 1914   Page 24



Sydney, NSW.

H.M.A.S. Gayundah is expected to arrive in Sydney this morning from Brisbane. She is coming here for a general overhaul, and will be taken to Fitzroy Dock.

The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 – 1930)  Thu 25 Dec 1913  Page 6

Brisbane, Qld.

Gayundah for the South.
H.M.A.S. Gayundah will leave Brisbane at 9 a.m. today for Sydney, where she will be refitted. It is expected that she will be absent in the South for several months.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Sat 20 Dec 1913   Page 11

Brisbane, Qld.

Returned to Gardens Reach Brisbane from Cleveland, where the Naval Reserves have been undergoing a course of training.

The Brisbane Courier.  7 Nov 1913  Page 7

Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah arrived in the Brisbane River yesterday direct from Maryborough, after completing her Northern cruise as far as Thursday Island.  The Gayundah will leave for Sydney on December 29.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Tue 21 Oct 1913   Page 8

Maryborough, Qld.


The Australian training ship, H.M.A.S. Gayundah, which has for some weeks been in this port, was yesterday boarded by the local naval cadets for the purpose of undergoing their annual course of training, which will extend over four days in the Mary River. The Gavundah will proceed to Brisbane some time at the end of the present week.

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 – 1947)  Tue 14 Oct 1913    Page 5

Maryborough, Qld.

The church parade of naval men on Sunday morning last was largely attended. The parade headed by the Naval Ehd. marched from the Government wharf, alongside of which the Gayundah as lying, a contingent falling out on route and entering St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, whilst the remainder proceeded to St. Paul’s Church of England, where the Rev. Hamlyn Harris preached an able sermon appropriate to the occasion, and particularly interesting to the lads in navy blue.

Yesterday shortly after mid-day the gunboat Gayundah, after having coaled, left for the Bay with Reserve M on board in addition to Reserve O, already on board. She will return to port on Friday, when Reserve O will have completed their 17 days training. Reserve M will complete its six days’ training on Saturday. On Saturday afternoon a triangular rifle match will take place on the local range between teams representing the gunboat Gayundah, the Naval Reserve, and the military forces.

On Monday next the naval cadets will board the Gayundah for their whole day drills, after which the Gayundah will finally depart for Brisbane on the following Saturday, not before however, its crew have given a social and dance (of which announcement will be made in due course), in aid of local charities, on Tuesday night next.

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser.  7 Oct 1913.   Page 5

Maryborough, Qld.

The gunboat, Gayundah will return to port early this afternoon from a week’s cruise down the Bay with the Maryborough Naval. Reserve, who have been undergoing a Vigorous and Instructive course of training on board. ‘Up in years’ though she is, the Gayundah’s usefulness is not the least impaired. She has done yeoman service in the past and with the advance of time has increased her utility in the Queensland naval arena. A church parade of all the naval men in port will take place tomorrow. Oh Monday the Naval Reserve (M) will embark for a six days’ course of instruction on board , and at the conclusion of the training the Gayundah will remain in port the following week, when the naval cadets will be afforded an opportunity of performing their drills on board.  During the same week it is the intention of the crew of the Gayundah to hold a benefit social and dance in the Drill Hall, the proceeds of which will be devoted to local chanties. The crew in question are reported to be good entertainers. At the completion of her stay in Maryborough the Gayundah will proceed to Brisbane.

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 – 1947)  Sat 4 Oct 1913   Page 5

Maryborough, Qld.


The “Gayundah,” training ship for Queensland ports, of the Royal Australian Naval Reserve, arrived in port from Bundaberg yesterday, at 2 p.m.. Lieutenant G. P. M. Fitzgerald being the Commander. The training ship will remain in local waters until 18th October. A training party of the local Naval Reserve (O) will go on board the Gayundah at 8.45 a.m. to-day.

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 – 1947)  Wed 24 Sep 1913    Page 5

Rockhampton, Qld.

Leaving Rockhampton today, the gunboat Gayundah will proceed to Bundaberg, where she will remain from August 28 to September 26. The vessel will then proceed to Maryborough, and thence to Brisbane. At Christmas she will move to Sydney for docking and overhauling, after which a run to Newcastle will be taken. At the latter port the vessel will take aboard the Newcastle reserve “O” adult forces for training.

Daily Standard (Brisbane, Qld. : 1912 – 1936)  Tue 26 Aug 1913   Page 4

Cairns, Qld.

H.M.A.S. Gayundah arrived – in Cairns on Tuesday from Thursday Island, where the annual training of the naval forces has been carried out during the past fortnight. The object of the call at Cairns was to take in stores and coal. A deserter, who has been detained by the police, was placed on board, and handed to the charge of the commander. The Gayundah left for the south during the afternoon.

The Northern Herald (Cairns, Qld. : 1913 – 1939)  Fri 1 Aug 1913   Page 5

Cairns, Qld.


H.M.A.S. Gayundah, which has been anchored scone distance up the inlet during the past few days, where painting, etc., has been, carried on, will leave Cairns this morning with the naval reserves to carry out their regular training. It is understood the Gayundah will proceed some distance to the North.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 – 1954)  Thu 19 Jun 1913   Page 4

Brisbane, Qld

H.M.A.S. Gayundah returned to Brisbane from the north this morning.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Wed 28 May 1913   Page 2



H.M.A.S. Gayundah returned to Brisbane from the north this morning.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld)  27 May 1913  Page 2

Brisbane, Qld.

Gayundah’s Northern Cruise. HMAS Gayundah will leave Brisbane on May 15 for a cruise in the Northern Queensland waters for the purpose of carrying out the continuous training of Naval Cadets in the Northern ports. The Gayundah’s programme is as follows :-  Arrive Townsville on Mav 10, leave on June 5; arrive Cairns on June 7, leave on June 30; arrive Thursday Island on July 5, leave on July 29 , arrive Rockhampton on August 1, leave on August 28; arrive Bundaberg on August 38, leave on September 22; arrive Maryborough on September 28 leave on October 18; arrive Brisbane October 20.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Sat 10 May 1913 page 4

Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah came out of the dry dock on Wednesday, but has still considerable repair work to be carried out after her long cruise in northern waters before she will be ready for further service. Her future movements are not known at present.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Fri 17 Jan 1913    Page 4

South Brisbane Drydock

H.M.A.S. Gayundah has been in dock since her return to Brisbane, where she was overhauled. The gunboat came out of dock yesterday, and is now at her usual moorings.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Thu 16 Jan 1913    Page 7

South Brisbane Drydock

H.M.A.S. Gayundah has been in dock since her return to Brisbane, where she was overhauled. The gunboat came out of dock yesterday, and is now at her usual moorings.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld) 16 Jan 1913  Page 7

Rockhampton, Qld

HMAS Gayundah, which is at present training the naval men off the Queensland coast, was expected to arrive at Rockhampton yesterday.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Thu 26 Sep 1912    Page 4

Townsville, Qld.


The sailors of H.M.A.S. Gayundah, now in port, are a versatile lot, and among others their accomplishments number a very creditable Minstrel Troupe. They have offered their services in aid of the Ambulance Brigade here, and a concert is to be held in the School of Arts on Tuesday next, for which they will put on the whole programme. The fun commences with the usual circle, and choruses, comics, ballads, dances, character impersonations and monologues, will form the nucleus of this part of the programme. A farce will wind up the programme. Concerts held In other towns along the coast have been highly successful, so that the troupe is at least experienced, and hopes to prove its worth on Tuesday night.

Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 – 1954)  Sat 14 Sep 1912   Page 6

Thursday Island, Qld.

H.M.A.S. Gayundah has left Thursday Island, and is, expected to arrive in Cairns on 5th or 6th inst. It is at present impossible to say how long her stay here will be, but if time permits it is the intention of the crew to hold a torchlight procession to Norman Park in aid of the funds of the Cairns Hospital.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 – 1954)  Tue 3 Sep 1912   Page 4

Brisbane, Qld.

HMAS Gayundah, which has been absent from Brisbane, under command of the Naval Commandant (Captain Richardson), on a lengthy training cruise in the North is expected to return to this port tomorrow afternoon.

The Brisbane Courier. 31 Aug 1912.  Page 4


Thursday Island, Qld

Gayundah departs Thursday Island bound for Cairns and then Brisbane. The Gayundah, after a stay of seven weeks for training purposes (our Thursday Island correspondent wired yesterday) left for Townsville, via Cairns this afternoon.

The Brisbane Courier.  31 Aug 1912.   Page 4

Thursday Island, QLD

It is anticipated that the gunboat Gayundah will leave Thursday Island for Cairns on August 29.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Sat 24 Aug 1912   Page 6

Cairns, QLD

H.M.A.S. Gayundah returned on Friday from her cruise with the Cairns Naval Militia, who have completed their annual training. It is understood that the Gayundah, which is now one of the training vessels attached to the new Australian Navy, will leave Cairns on July 1st for Thursday Island, there to train the naval reserves, and subsequently return to Cairns. On the return of the gunboat the new branch of the naval forces, which comes into existence on July 1st, will be required to do their course of about 16 days continuous training afloat.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 – 1954)  Mon 24 Jun 1912  Page 8

Brisbane (depart)


The training gunboat Gayundah, under Commander Warren, left Brisbane last Thursday afternoon on her seven months’ training cruise, at the various Queensland ports. On the northward trip the vessel will stay at Bundaberg for training from May 20 to 25 ; at Townsville from May 31. to June 8 ; at Cairns from June 17 to 30, which will complete the financial year. At Thursday Island the compulsory 17 days’ continuous training will be commenced on July 4, and end on July 20, Further training on the southward run will be held at Cairns from July 25 to August 21, and at Townsville from August. 23 to September 23. At Rockhampton the ship will be engaged in training duties from September 25 till October 21. Bundaberg will be the scene of work from October 22 to November 18, and Maryborough from November 19 to December 12. The Gayundah will return to Brisbane on December 14, and will then dock and refit.

Cairns Post  Wed 22 May 1912    Page 4

Note: [Above lots of dates for 1912]



Brisbane, Qld.

The Gayundah’s Training Cruise.

The gunboat Gayundah, which has been in dry-dock preparatory to being put in commission for a seven-months training cruise up the Queensland coast, will be brought to the Naval Depot Wharf this morning to take aboard coal and provisions for the voyage. The Gayundah, which is to be manned by a crew of  50 ? all told, under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Warren, will leave on Thursday morning at daylight for Bundaberg and Northern ports, where the first training operations (under the new compulsory system) of naval cadets will be carried out. Recruits and naval reserves will also take part in the training, and gun practice will also be held. It is anticipated that the cruise will occupy seven months, and that a return will be made to Brisbane in December next.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Tue 14 May 1912   Page 6

Brisbane, Qld.

The Gayundah, Brisbane.  Monday [13 May 1912] – The gunboat Gayundah, which has been in the dry dock, preparatory to being put into commission for a seven months’ training cruise up the Queensland coast, will leave on Thursday morning for Bundaberg and northern ports, where the first training operations under the new compulsory system of naval cadets will be carried out. The recruits and naval reserves will also take part in the training, and gun practice will also be held. It is anticipated that the cruise will occupy seven months, and that a return will be made to Brisbane in December.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 – 1954)  Tue 14 May 1912  Page 4

Brisbane, Qld. (Naval Stores Wharf)

Gayundah and Protector.
H.M.A.S. Gavundah arrived last night from Maryborough and is now berthed at the Naval Stores wharf.
H.M.A.S Protector arrived from Sydney yesterday afternoon.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Thu 23 Nov 1911   Page 5

Maryborough, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah with the Maryborough Naval Cadets aboard did not get away on Monday afternoon as stated in yesterday’s issue, but remained anchored in the town reach, the boys who went aboard early on Monday morning being kept on board and trained in their various duties. She got away late yesterday afternoon.

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 – 1947)  Wed 15 Nov 1911  Page 5

Rockhampton, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah arrived at Sea Hill at ten minutes past four o’clock yesterday morning. She entered the river at twenty-five minutes’ past seven o’clock and reached Rockhampton about noon. The Gayundah will leave this morning for Keppel Bay with the local detachment of the Naval Brigade, who will undergo their annual eight days course of continuous training.

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 – 1954)  Mon 23 Oct 1911   Page 4

Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah has returned to Brisbane after its long cruise around the Western Australian coast. She entered the river at 9.30 am yesterday and was moored to the Naval Stores wharf about two hours later. Commander G.A.H. Curtis and Lieutenant P.W. Stevens were the officers on board. Interviewed on his return Commander Curtis said the cruise had lasted four months and was the longest she had ever made, with the exception of her trip from England. During this four months the Gayundah covered 7820 miles, between Brisbane and Broome, on the Western Australian coast, travelling in and out the coast line, mostly in unsurveyed waters. The Gayundah was on coastguard duty, and sailed with sealed orders. It will be remembered that a practical outcome of the trip was the capture off Broome of two Dutch fishing boats, which were fishing territorial waters without having registered at an Australian port. The masters were eventually fined. Though after the seizure the gunboat handed over the captures to the Customs authorities, who proceeded with the case, the affair kept the Gayundah at Broome a month before the civil court had finished with the officers. Commander Curtis spoke of the cruise having been of special benefit to the crew, among whom were four or five militiamen, who have had an experience which falls to the lot of few of their class. The Gayundah is badly in need of overhaul and a coat of paint after her long spell at sea.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Sat 26 Aug 1911  Page 4



Brisbane, Qld.

Brisbane, Friday.  The gunboat Gayundah returned to Brisbane to-day from a four months’ cruise on the north and north-west coast of Australia, during which she captured two trespassing foreign fishing boats. On the return voyage the vessel travelled down the western side of the Gulf of Carpentaria as far as the Roper River. The ship’s boats went a hundred miles up the river, and picked up Professor Spencer’s scientific expedition, who were landed at Thursdav Island. Some militia men on board complained about the rations, but an inquiry served to show that there was not much ground for the  complaint.

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 – 1929)  Sat 26 Aug 1911   Page 3

Bundaberg, Qld.

The Gayundah Returning.

H.M.A.S. Gayundah, returning from her recent successful cruise as far as Broome, W.A. has arrived at Bundaberg, and will probably reach Brisbane today.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Fri 25 Aug 1911  Page 4

Townsville, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah is due at Townsville from Cairns this morning and will leave again during the day for Brisbane

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Mon 21 Aug 1911   Page 6

Thursday Island, QLD

H.M.A.S. Gayundah arrived yesterday morning on Thursday Island and anchored in midstream opposite the Adelaide wharf. The Gayundah during the past few months, has been on the North-west coast, and, as reported in the “Post” telegraphic columns some time ago, seized two foreign fishing vessels that were alleged to, be illegally fishing within the limits of Australian waters, and towed them into Broome. The Gayundah is (obscured text) …row, when she will leave for Townsville. The presence of the ship will revive pleasant memories to those who remember her for many years. She has done splendid work in the training service, and there are numbers in Queensland today who owe much to the service they underwent in annually on the Gayundah.  Of course the ship cannot be classed with the more recent additions, to the Australian Navy, but in view of the splendid record she bears it is felt by many that a word should be “put in for the old Gayundah”.

Cairns Post.  19 Aug 1911.  Page 4

Thursday Island, Qld.

The Gunboat Gayundah. The Postmaster General’s Department notifies under Tuesday’s date – “Thursday Island reports that H.M.S. Gayundah sailed south at 10 am yesterday.”

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Wed 16 Aug 1911    Page 4


Darwin, NT.

MELBOURNE, Tuesday.—The gunboat Gayundah has reached Port Darwin on the way back from Broome.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 – 1954)  Wed 26 Jul 1911  Page 8

Charters Towers, Qld

Gayundah’s Visit.  The Commonwealth gunboat Gayundah arrived from (the) South on Wednesday evening, and left for Torres Straits at Midday yesterday on special service.

The Evening Telegraph (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1901 – 1921)  Fri 28 Apr 1911  Page 2

26 Apr 1911  Arrived Charters Towers
27 Apr 1911
Departed Charters Towers, headed north.

Brisbane, Qld.

The training ship Gayundah left the moorings at the naval stores this afternoon for her trip to northern ports.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Sat 22 Apr 1911    Page 2

South Brisbane Drydock

The gunboat Gayundah, after undergoing a thorough overhaul, was released from the dock on Friday, and towed by the Cormorant to the Naval Stores wharf, where she will be berthed for the present.

The Brisbane Courier.  3 Apr 1911.  Page 10



South Brisbane Drydock

The gunboat Gayundah is at present in the dry dock, South Brisbane, where she is undergoing repairs, prior to leaving for the north for her annual cruise. She will visit the various ports as far north as Cairns, and take on board the naval divisions. She will leave Brisbane about the middle of next month.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Tue 14 Mar 1911   Page 2

South Brisbane Dry Dock

The gunboat Gayundah is at present in the dry dock, South. Brisbane, where she is undergoing repairs, prior to leaving for the north for her annual cruise. She will visit the various ports as far-north as Cairns, and take on board the naval divisions. She will leave Brisbane about the middle of next month.

The Telegraph (Brisbane) 13 Mar 1911  Page 2


Brisbane, Qld.

The Gayundah’s Return.
The return to Brisbane on Sunday of H.M.A.S. Gayundah marks the completion of training for all port for this calendar year. The gunboat was last at Maryborough, and the training there as well as at Rockhampton, was very satisfactory. The heavy gun shooting was very good in both divisions. Admiral Henderson’s inspection of the force in Brisbane will take place on Monday or Tuesday next.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Tue 25 Oct 1910   Page 5

Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah leaves Brisbane this morning for Maryborough to take on board the local naval militia for their annual continuous training. Captain Richardson (Queensland naval commandant), Lieutenant Curtis (navigating officer), and Lieutenant Beresford (gunnery officer) will be on board. The vessel will return to Brisbane about the 25th instant.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Thu 13 Oct 1910  Page 7


H.M.A.S.Gayundah left Brisbane yesterday for Maryborough where the annual training of the naval militia at that station will be carried out. The vessel is under the command of Captain Richardson, Naval Commandant. It is expected that she will arrive back at Brisbane about October 25.

The Brisbane Courier. 14 Oct 1910   Page 6


Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah leaves Brisbane for Maryborough and Rockhampton on Monday, for the annual training of the naval divisions at those ports.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Fri 23 Sep 1910   Page 2

Brisbane, Qld.


The gunboat Gayundah leaves the Naval stores wharf, Kangaroo Point, on Tuesday, for Moreton Bay, where heavy gun practice will be carried out by class A, Brisbane division naval militia. The vessel will return about Friday.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947) Mon 22 Aug 1910  Page 2

Brisbane, Qld.

H.M.A.S. Gayundah in all probability will leave Brisbane on Wednesday next on a surveying cruise off the North Queensland coast, inside the Barrier Reef.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Sat 13 Aug 1910    Page 2

Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah will leave Brisbane about 4th October, for the purpose of enabling the Maryborough and Rockhampton divisions of the naval militia to go through their annual sea training. The vessel will return to Brisbane on or about 4th November.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Fri 24 Sep 1909    Page 2

Brisbane, Qld.

H.M.S. Gayundah, with the Naval Commandant (Captain Richardson) on board, which has been absent from Brisbane since Easter on a tour of inspection and drill in northern waters, is expected to return to Brisbane to-day.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Tue 8 Jun 1909  Page 7

Brisbane, Qld. (Pinkenba)

The gunboat Gayundah returned to Brisbane on Tuesday from her annual training cruise to northern ports. The Gayundah, with the naval commandant (Commander Richardson), Lieutenants Beresford (gunnery officer), and Curtis on board, left Brisbane on the 19th April and proceeded direct to Cairns, where the members o! the local naval forces were taken on board to undergo the usual training. On the voyage down the coast calls were made at Townsville and Bundaberg, for the purpose of training the forces at those centres. At each of the ports called at, a minute inspection of the property of the naval brigade was made by the commandant. Commander Richardson states that the respective companies arc up to their full strength, and he was very pleased with the work of the men. The response made by lads to applications for cadets, however, was far from satisfactory. The Gayundah did not come up the river to her accustomed moorings in the Gardens reach, but remained at Pinkenba where she is being employed in carrying out some magazine work. She probably will return to her moorings on Monday.

The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 – 1934)  Fri 11 Jun 1909  Page 15

Bundaberg, Qld.

Through the courtesy of Lieutenant Curtis, who is in command of the gunboat Gayundah the public will be afforded on opportunity of inspecting her, during her stay in port. She will be thrown open to the general public from 2 to 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, and attendants will be on hand to explain the various implements of war, with which this class of vessel is equipped.

The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 – 1917)  Sat 22 May 1909  Page 2

Brisbane, Qld.

H.M.S. Gayundah left Brisbane today, under command of Lieutenant Curtis., and proceeds to Cairns and Townsville to bring down the members of the Naval Militia to undergo a month’s course. A seamen and gunners’ class will be started in Brisbane shortly. It is stated that there is only one navigating lieutenant on the gunboat. If this is so, it is interesting to know why. It is hardly in accord with the ideals of a Labour Government to practically compel a navigator to remain on the bridge for three days and nights.

Cairns Morning Post (Qld. : 1907 – 1909)  Tue 29 Dec 1908   Page 5

Brisbane, Qld.

Cruise of the Gayundah.
The gunboat Gayundah has returned from Moreton Bay, where the prize firing and heavy gun practice in connection with the 21 days continuous training was completed. The firing was very satisfactory. Most of the Class A men went with the Gayundah to Sydney recently, and took part in the reception to Admiral Sperry, in company with the Naval Forces of N.S.W. The trip will be long remembered owing to the sad circumstance of Captain Colquhoun‘s death. On the run down to Sydney splendid weather conditions prevailed for the earlier part of the voyage, though Captain Colquhoun was very ill.
The night before arrival at Sydney a south west gale was encountered and instead of reaching Sydney next morning, it was not until 6.30 p m that the anchorage was reached. Surgeon Wilson was in attendance on Captain Colquhoun, who expired about three hours later. The remains were taken on to Melbourne under the care of Lieutenant McLay, of the naval militia, who was temporarily attached to the Gayundah.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Thu 3 Sep 1908   Page 4

Sydney, NSW.

The Queensland gunboat Gayundah, which visited Sydney, in connection with the welcome to the American fleet, left Sydney for Brisbane yesterday forenoon.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Fri 28 Aug 1908   Page 5

Brisbane, Qld.

H.M.S. Gayundah.
The gunboat Gayundah will leave Brisbane to-day for Sydney. The vessel, which is going there in connection with the visit of the American Fleet, is expected back at the end of the month.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Sat 15 Aug 1908  Page 7

Bundaberg, Qld.

The Gayundah yesterday afternoon was submitted to public inspection, and during the few hours, from 2 o’clock till supper time about three hundred people must have taken advantage of the opportunity of going over the vessel. The Ship’s boat was rowed backwards and forwards incessantly from 2 o’clock till after five, and those who went on board found the visit most interesting. The gunboat carries an 8 inch 4.7 and two 1 1/2 inch quickfiring guns, and these were shown to the eager ones who spent much time in inspecting the working, by some of the crew. The local corps to the number of 33, embark this morning for a week’s training cruise.

The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 – 1917)  Mon 25 May 1908    Page 2

Cairns, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah is expected to arrive at Cairns today in readiness for the annual training week of the local Naval Brigade. Commander Richardson, the Queensland Naval Commandant, is in charge of the Gayundah, and the week’s training commences on Monday next. It is expected about 26 to 28 men will take part in the week’s cruise.

Morning Post (Cairns, Qld)  10 May 1907  Page 2


Cairns, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah arrived at Cairns yesterday and anchored in the inlet. The Queensland Naval Commandant (Commander Richardson), is in command, and has with him Lieutenant. Curtis, Mr. Barnes (Chief Engineer), Sub-Lieutenant Bowen (Naval Militia), Mr. Trinnett. (Assistant Paymaster), Warrant Officers Campbell and Grady, and Artificer Engineer Dale.

Morning Post (Cairns, Qld. : 1897 – 1907)  Sat 11 May 1907  Page 2

Brisbane, Qld

The gunboats Gayundah and Paluma have just come out of dock after their annual overhaul, says the Brisbane “Daily Mail” of the 27th of September, The Gayundah will leave on the 4th of October for Maryborough and Rockhampton to give the usual training to the naval brigades at those places.

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 – 1954)  Fri 29 Sep 1905   Page 4

Brisbane, Qld.

The Q.G.S. Gayundah, with Captain Creswell, Queensland Naval Commandant, and Lieutenant Curtis left Brisbane yesterday for Maryborough and Bundaberg, on a cruise, for the purpose of exercising the ship’s company, She is expected to return about the end of next week.

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933)  Tue 5 Nov 1901   Page 2

It’s interesting that the newspaper refers to Gayundah here as the Q.G.S Gayundah. (we’d expect that to mean Queensland Government Steamship) which would only be the case if the Gayundah was not in commission at that time.

Mackay, Qld.

Gayundah and Midge.  The Government picket boat Midge arrived here last Friday from Rockhampton, and the Gayundah reached Flat-top on Sunday last (says the Mackay Mercury of June 25). The Midge, which, travelling some 15 knots an hour, creates quite a sensation on the Pioneer, ran out on Sunday with the swags of the local brigade, and the men themselves went out yesterday morning to join the ship for six days’ training. The naval commandant, Captain Creswell, is aboard the Gayundah, but he did not land on Sunday. It is expected that he will be in town after the training of the local men is finished. Lieutenant Beresford, officer instructor, is now aboard the Gayundah. and Paymaster Pollock is expected in Mackay at the end of the week. We understand that the annual training of the cadets will not take place until the return of the Gayundah from the north next month.

The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 – 1934)  Fri 12 Jul 1901   Page 17

Bundaberg, Qld

Captain Creswell, Naval Commandant, who is at present on a six weeks’ cruise with nequad of the Naval Brigade, on board the gunboat Gayundah, returned to Brisbane yesterday, (27 Jul 1900) leaving his vessel at Bundaberg. He is well satisfied with the work done by the men during the trip. The Commandant returned to the Gayundah yesterday evening. The period of training will conclude on August 8, when the Gayundah will return to Brisbane.

The Telegraph (Brisbane) Sat 28 Jul 1900, Page 2

Rockhampton, Qld.

The visit of the Gayundah to this port was brought to a very pleasant termination with a social gathering tendered by the townspeople to the men of the gunboat at the Belmore Arms Hotel on Saturday evening. There were between forty and fifty present, and the chair was occupied by Mr. S. W. Hartley. Among those who honoured the gathering with their presence were the Naval Commandant (Captain Cresswell) and the officers of the Gayundah. The toasts usual to such gatherings were duly honoured, among them being “The Queen,’ ‘ “The Navy and Army,” “The Citizens of Rockhampton, the Defence Force, and the Central Queensland Rifle Association,” and ” Sweethearts and wives.” The toast of “The Navy and Army” was given by the Chairman and responded to by Captain Cresswell and Captain Alder. Captain Cresswell said he had to thank the Chairman for for the kindly way in which he bad proposed the toast and the company for the  hearty manner in which they had received it. In course of conversation with the Chairman he had remarked that he thought the long stretch of waterway between Keppel Bay and Rockhampton was in itself a good defence to the town; but while that was so, he would point out that the use of the Navy was to enable places to be held in security and, at the same time, continue their trade and commerce. What he meant would be better understood when he said that a man in business might close his shop and prevent an attack; but that would mean that his business would be ruined. The Chairman had also referred to the Powerful. Everyone recognised that the officers and men of that warship had rendered great service in South Africa. Perhaps it might have flashed into the Chairman’s mind that the gunboat, now lying in the river was something of the same character. There was just this in it by way of difference – the Powerful was at least a little larger.  He was quite sure that the officers and men of the Powerful had done all they possibly could and bad done it, perhaps, better than any of their brethren might under the circumstances : but he was quite sure of this — that the officers and crews of other vessels would have at least done their best. The reply to the toast made by Captain Alder was very brief. He remarked that the captain of the Powerful, in praising General Sir George White for his services at Ladysmith, said that the General, in saving Ladysmith had saved Natal, in saving Natal he had saved South Africa, and in saving South Africa he had saved the Empire. The greater part of the evening was spent in harmony. Excellent songs were given by several members of the Gayundah’s crew and by Messrs. J. A. Part, H.W. ??? and T. D. England, while Mr. N. G Wiley presided at the piano. All the toasts were received with musical honours, that of ‘Sweethearts and wives’ being drunk to the singing of the song of that name.

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 – 1954)  Tue 24 Jul 1900  Page 5

Brisbane, Qld.

The Queensland gunboat Gayundah, so recently put into commission, is again in the river after a brief cruise . It is only a week to day that she piled up steam for a cruise with her new crew about Moreton Bay. Saturday morning saw her return, and she is now lying in midstream at the Botanic Gardens buoy. Captain Drake, acting commander, courteously supplied the  following interesting outline of the trip to a Telegraph reporter:

For many reasons the trip was a short one. It was done for a purpose, though, and that purpose was fulfilled. A vessel newly in commission provides disadvantages which have quickly to be overcome. A number of men new to a vessel have to shake down, as it were, into their own particular grooves. The routine of a vessel has its own peculiar characteristics; these have to be learned and remembered. With this purpose in view a start was made last Monday. Under easy steam the gunboat was steered for the bay. On the trip down and during the day strict routine work was enforced. In fact, the trip consisted of drill and work of the nature described. The north-east side of Mud Island was our resting place the first night; thence to the Pile light, where communication was effected, and on to Dunwich, via Sandgate. The passage of Bribie Island afforded an anchorage on Wednesday night. Early on Thursday morning, and long before the mists of the night were dispelled, we were under steam for Pinkenba wharf. Here Captain Switzer came aboard for the purpose of adjusting the compasses. This accomplished, and Captain Switzer landed, the Gayundah made Lytton, when we again anchored. Here several movements of an important nature, such us “abandon ship,” “fire stations,” &c., were successfully practised.

Captain Drake appears to plume himself upon the conduct of his men. He apparently feels he has the right material for the formation of a reliable and disciplined crew aboard. This is satisfactory.  Another short trip, lasting a few days, will probably be made to-morrow. During the trip health and spirits were good. When possible the men were shown their commander did not object to fun and pastime in their proper place. Stern discipline is most effective where such relaxations are at times allowed. Fishing from off shore for instance, was allowed on two or three occasions; A pleasant change in diet was the result. It is understood that so soon as the gunboat commences her training cruises her company will be increased by additions from the Naval Brigade.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Mon 12 Dec 1898  Page 6



The gunboat Gayundah arrived last evening about 5 o’clock, from Moreton Bay, where two days’ training had been carried out with the Maryborough corps as a crew, under the direction of the acting naval commandant, Captain Drake. The officers were Lieutenants W. F. Cameron and G. B.Barnett (Brisbane), Sublieutenants Gray (Maryborough) and W. H. Beattie (Brisbane), the drills being supervised by Instructors Rogers (Brisbane) and Careedon (Maryborough). The cables were slipped at 8 o’clock on Wednesday morning, and during the run to the bay ship routine work was entered upon. Hands were told off into watches, boat crews, gun crews, lifeboat crews, &c. Special attention was paid to fire stations, every man being told off, and during the trip the men were called to fire quarters repeatedly, imaginary fires being located in all parts of the gunboat. After breakfast the crew fell in for drill, with the 6-inch and 8-inch breechloading guns, the 3-pounder quick-firing guns, and the 1-inch and the 0.45-inch machine guns, this occupying the whole of the forenoon. The weather in the afternoon was not so favourable for the manoeuvres, misty showers being experienced, which rendered signalling rather difficult. The vessel was cleared for action, and the men exercised, at general quarters. Instruction in the semaphore, and Morse systems of signals was given under Yeoman of Signals Napier. At night a snug anchorage was made between Peel Island and Dunwich.

Next morning the gunboat was got underway about 6.15 and- being made trim, steamed to the bay, where a target was dropped overboard and she was hove to for gun practice under the instruction of Chief Armourer Salisbury. The use of the Morriss tubes having been explained, all hands were given an opportunity of firing from the 6-inch and 8 inch guns. Practice was next entered upon with the quick-firing and machine guns, and in repelling a boat’ attack fire was opened from small arms in volleys and independently. Target practice from the heavy guns was then engaged in, the projectiles used being Palliser, common shell, shrapnel, and case shot. Two targets were carried away. At the conclusion of the practice the gunboat steamed for town, the journey up the river being occupied with signal classes and stations for manning and arming ships’ boats, and also for abandoning ship. The drills were very creditably gone through, and the training appreciated by the men. During the trip the engines were in charge of the engineer-in-chief (Mr. A. Barnes). On returning to the stores the officer on board joined their comrades at headquarters, and the remainder of the evening was spent in harmony.’

Training commenced again this morning. At the stores the drills will be a repetition of what has already been gone through and this afternoon there will be open-air drill at the Brisbane cricket ground .In the evening the officers will entertain a number of friends at a mess dinner at the naval stores, when it is expected some member of the Government will be present. The mess arrangements for the Officers and men during the week have been supervised by Staff-paymaster Pollock and Mr.Malcolm, formerly ship steward of the Gayundah, and every satisfaction has been given to the officers and men.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Fri 24 Jun 1898  Page 6

Note: Above has some details of men to add to muster. (incl maryborough naval brigade)


Brisbane, Qld.

Cruise of the Gayundah.

The Queensland gunboat Gayundah returned to Brisbane on Sunday after a most successful visit of inspection to the forts and brigades of the Northern ports of Queensland. The Gayundah left Brisbane on the 18th June last for the purpose of drilling and inspecting the brigades in the coast towns of the colony, as well as to drill the ship’s company. After target practice off Bustard Head the vessel went into Gladstone, and on to Rockhampton, where boat races took place between crews of the ship’s company, the local corps being instructed in gun drill and other exercises. From Rockhampton the  Gayundah proceeded to Cooktown, and after having made a thorough inspection of the brigade there, proceeded without loss of time to Thursday Island, arriving there on the same day that the Dorunda had gone on Cook’s Reef. Assistance was offered, but was not availed of, as it was considered unnecessary. The gunboat stayed at Thursday Island for a week, during which time the new corps there were drilled and instructed in naval matters in general, and the fortifications there were subjected to a close inspection by Captain Taylor.

On the return from Thursday Island H.M.S. Paluma, engaged in surveying work, was met with, and Captain Taylor communicated with her from Bird Island. Cairns was the next port of call. At this port the brigades were subjected to the usual inspection and drill, and the ship’s company went through a course of rifle-firing at range. Captain Taylor is very favourably impressed with Cairns Harbour, and has no hesitation in declaring it in his opinion to be the finest naval anchorage on the Australian coast. He was particularly struck with the natural seclusion and safety afforded by the inlet. From Palm Island the men went through a course of firing with heavy guns at targets, and when off Bustard Heads the Nordenfelt machine-guns were used for the instruction of the crew.

At Townsville the ship’s company completed their long course of rifle-shooting at the ranges, after which the vessel steamed for Bundaberg. On arrival at this latter port the usual drills were gone through, as was the case at every port of call.

Fine weather was experienced throughout the nine weeks’ absence of the gunboat from Brisbane, during which time a distance of 2840 miles was steamed. At each port the arrival of the vessel was anxiously looked forward to by the townspeople, and when the boat did arrive much interest was manifested in its movements and fittings. The captain also speaks in the highest terms of the cordiality shown by the people to the officers and men while in the several ports at which calls were made.

On the whole the trip has been a most successful one from every point of view, and the vessel has returned to Brisbane with her machinery in perfect order, besides which her men are in an efficient state after the course of drill through which they have passed during their absence from this port.

The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 – 1939)  Sat 27 Aug 1892   Page 390

Brisbane, Qld.

Gayundah departs Brisbane, heading north for various ports.

The Gayundah left Brisbane .. for the purpose of drilling and inspecting the brigades in the coast towns of the colony, as well as to drill the ship’s company

The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 – 1939)  Sat 27 Aug 1892   Page 390

Brisbane, Qld.

Gayundah in Attendance.

The final leave of the Australian Auxiliary Squadron was taken in Moreton Bay yesterday by H.M. gunboat Gayundah, Captain Taylor in command. As stated yesterday, the gunboat followed the admiral’s flagship down the river to the bay. On the signal for departure, the flagship (H.M.S. Katoomba) led off, followed in strict line by the other cruisers in order of the seniority of the captains. The Gayundah steamed alongside the Katoomba for some distance across the bay. Signals were interchanged, the Gayundah’s being “Wish you a pleasant passage,” and the Admiral’s a reply of thanks. The  Gayundah then hoisted a flag signalling “adieu,” and turning towards Brisbane, steamed back down the line of cruisers with the flag still flying. All the cruisers responded, and the leave-taking was hearty on both sides. The Gayundah then returned to town. The Queensland gunboat was visited by all the captains during their stay in Brisbane.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Fri 4 Sep 1891    Page 5

Brisbane, Qld.

The Queensland gunboat Gayundah arrived at the anchorage in the river yesterday morning after a cruise of two months in the north. Captain Taylor visited Townsville (twice), Cairns, Cooktown, Bowen and Mackay, besides inspecting various places and passages along the coast.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Thu 14 Aug 1890   Page 4


Cairns, Qld.


On Sunday morning the officers and men of the Gayundah, with the men of the Cairns Naval Brigade, headed by the Town Band, attended divine service in St. John’s Church. An appropriate sermon delivered by the Rev. Oscar Hill was listened to attentively. The concluding hymn, however, was not so felicitous. “Onward Christian Soldiers,” besides being of inordinate length, scarcely fitted in with the raison d’etre of the occasion. Apropos of ” Onward, Christian soldiers.”  It was once arranged, says a London paper, to sing the hymn (of course, in procession) at Mr. Baring-Gould’s (the composer’s) own church on the occasion of a confirmation service. The officiating bishop ‘was consulted beforehand, and it was then found that the good prelate objected to a cross being carried at the head of the procession. ” But,” remonstrated Mr. Baring-Gould, ” I do not see how we can omit it. I have made special reference to it-see. ” With the cross of Jesus Going on before.”   ” I see,” replied the bishop, “but nevertheless, I emphatically object to the cross. Could you not substitute some other words for that particular line of the hymn?” ” 1 will try,” answered Mr. Baring-Gould-and he did try, and succeeded, too. At the service no cross was. carried in the procession, and the choir sang thus :

“Onward, Christian soldiers.
Marching as to war.
With the cross of Jesus
Left behind the door.”

The Town Band was in evidence in the musical portion of the service, and Mr Slade? Was at his usual place at the organ, and it struck us we could trace the first line or two of Adelaide Proctor’s ” Lost Chord ” in his face at times. From the Church. to the wharf the band played a march in first-class style, and it is to be regretted that this really excellent company of musicians should be put out of place in their public performance. Their capital renderings of high class music on the Esplanade on Sunday afternoons are heard all too seldom now. The Gayundah crew think highly of the Town Hand, and it was only as a joke that one of them called them ” Banditti in Obnrcb.” Well, it cannot be denied it is a band, and very nice ditties they play too at times. Cairns is proud of its band.

Certain individuals who know considerably more of other people’s business than they do of their own, started a rumour that Captain Taylor of the Gayundah objected to the Cairns Garrison Battery joining in the parade under notice. There is no foundation whatever for the innuendo. Captain Taylor has no control over the land forces, still he would have been pleased to have seen any members of them falling in with the Naval parade, in their proper position of course. With our democratic convictions we have naturally no sympathy whatever with any circumlocution or red tapeism in any department, no matter how high and mighty that department may be. No contention of this kind, however, can be urged. No impediments were placed in the way of the Garrison Battery joining the parade if the members were really desirous of doing so, and Captain Taylor acted in the matter with the courtesy only to be expected from an officer and a gentleman.

Sunday afternoon was a gala time on board the Gayundah. The wives and friends of the Naval Brigade visited the boat galore. Many of the general public availed themselves of Captain Taylor’s kind permission to inspect the boat. We went off in the Captain’s gig, but judging by the large loads arriving afterwards we should imagine the Captain’s omnibus must have been laid on. What was to be seen in the way of weapons, defences and machinery were shown and explained to visitors in a hearty manner by the Captain downwards. Mr. Pollock., the paymaster, and Mr. Bennett. Chief engineer, kindly gentlemen of the old school, will leave many friends behind them in Cairns. The warrant and petty officers, notably the gunner. Mr. J. Downing, Mr. Dixon (gunner’s mate) and the boatswain, are all good fellows. But this can be said of everyone on board, excepting the cook who looked to us a little bit off colour.

The Gayundah leaves for Cooktown on Saturday, where the men of the Naval Brigade will go through a weeks continuous training. Captain Taylor is a firm advocate for the system of taking the Gayundah to the Brigades, and not the Brigades to the vessel. Considerable time would be lost if the men had to travel to Brisbane to receive their training, so that the present method is admirable. Sailors are proverbial for their verdicts on their commanders. The one passed on Capt. Taylor is easily told-” A grand captain.” It was carried unanimously.

Captain Taylor is very particular about cleanliness, and the Gayundah is as spic and span as a newly burnished mirror. Expectorating on the deck is his abomination, and many a jocular yarn is told of the forgetful individual who has so desecrated her Majesty’s ship Gayundah.  Stern discipline has, of course, to be kept on a war vessel. and it is said that if a fine for the obnoxious habit has no effect other measures are adopted. The fine appropriately enough goes into the hospital box, and the sterner measures are these : The old offender has a spittoon fixed round his neck, and as be parades the deck the accommodation is found to be of considerable convenience to his companions.

You may board the gay Gayundah,
You may handle all the guns,
You may talk away like thunder,
Or indulge in making puns.
You may bow to Captain Taylor
(The politest of his sex.)
But respect that gallant sailor
And don’t spit upon his decks.
You may see the tars at feeding,
And are welcome to a plate,
But if you have any breeding,
[obscured line]
When you are perambulating
(If you’d save your precious necks),
Please avoid expectorating
On those highly polished decks.
Too may call the ship a daisy
(If you’re Irish call it “swate”)
You can wander free and “aisy,”
And untruthful tales relate,
But if you have no ambition,
For a spittoon round your neck,
You will learn by intuition
Not to spit upon the deck.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1884 – 1893)  Wed 9 Jul 1890   Page 2

Brisbane, Qld. (Lytton)

Doings of the Gayundah.

In accordance with the wish of the Government that a joint camp should be held by the Naval Brigade, one portion of which was to be afloat while the other remained on shore, the men in the brigade were divided into two divisions, the shore division under the command of Captain Walton Drake, R.N., and the sailing division under the command of Captain Taylor, R.N., senior naval officer. To enable the Maryborough men to participate in the “camp,” the Gayundah left Brisbane on May 20, and arrived at Maryborough on the following Thursday night. The local brigade and their field gun were taken on board, and the return voyage commenced, the local brigade being put to drill as soon as they were on board. Brisbane was reached on Friday, and the next day the Gayundah, with the Otter and Bonito attached, lay at Lytton, all ships being dressed with flags in honour of the Queen’s Birthday. At noon a salute of 21 guns was fired, and the brigade landed to take part in the feu de joie and parade held at the encampment. After the march past, the brigade again embarked, and the squadron proceeded to the bay. On Sunday, service was read by the commander on board the Otter, where all the men were mustered and inspected. After this ceremony, the fleet got under weigh, the Otter and Gayundah proceeding round Bribie Island, and thence by the north-west passage to Cowan Cowan, the Bonito steaming direct and meeting the other ships there. In the evening the Otter was despatched to town to coal and on Monday morning the other two ships returned to Lytton where they were joined by the Otter, and the men landed for the Governor’s inspection. All Monday the fleet remained at Lytton, and on Tuesday morning the Gayundah proceeded to Brisbane for water, the two other ships going outside the bay, where they were joined by the Gayundah later in the day. Steam tactics, that is working the three ships by signal, occupied the rest of the day, a boatrace, won by the Maryborough crew, completing the day’s work. On Wednesday the ship returned to Lytton to change crews, the Rockhampton men going on board, and those lately on board landing for shore drill under Captain Drake. On Thursday the fleet sailed for Peel Island, anchoring between that and Bird Island, and experiencing a high wind during the night. The men engaged at big gun drill and target practice, firing both the big guns, the Nordenfeldts, and rifles, good work being done with all weapons. The following day the fleet came direct up to town, as there were several severe cases of influenza on board. The commander speaks highly of the generally excellent conduct of all on board. The work carried out entailed six hours a day of drill at the heavy guns, and the ordinary man-o’-war routine. The work done during the week was of such a quality as to be exceedingly gratifying to the commander. On Saturday morning Major-general Downes and his aide-de-camp, Captain Tomkinson, visited the Gayundah, and expressed himself very well pleased with all he saw, especially as he had taken the vessel unawares.

The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 – 1934)  Sat 7 Jun 1890   Page 8

Rockhampton, Qld.

The smart and spruce gunboat Gayundah, whose arrival here on Friday was chronicled in Saturday’s issue of this paper, ends her visit today, being supposed to sail for Bundaberg at 11 o’clock this morning. On Saturday afternoon the members of the Rockhampton Naval Defence Force, under Lieutenants Bowker and Spiers, went on board the vessel, where they underwent a lecture of an hour’s duration on practical torpedo defence work, by Torpedo-gunner H. B. Miles. The Gayundah has not been in any way altered since her last trip to this port. She is still armed, fore and aft, with long-necked breech- loading guns, having a range of about 7 miles, two 3lb Nordenfeldts on the superstructure deck, and with two Nordenfeldt four-barrelled guns, the mechanism of which Captain Taylor is never weary of explaining to his visitors, albeit he must be pretty tired of impersonating the naval ???erone  by this time., The Gayundah’s crew number about 50 men, about one-half of whom have served in the Royal Navy, including their very popular captain, Captain Taylor, whom not a few remember as a lieutenant of H.M.S. Wolverine, when that vessel was on the Australian squadron. Next to Captain Taylor is Navigating Lieutenant Smith, who is well known in Rockhampton as a former officer of the S.S. Eurimbla.  Together with these gentlemen are Lieutenant Russell, Torpedo Engineer, an Engineer C.Bennett, who make up the complement of the crew’s officers. Torpedo Gunner Miles is the latest of the Gayundah’s acquisitions. He belongs to Plymouth, where he was attached to H.M. torpedo ship Defiance, on which he passed the examinations that have qualified him to instruct. He is under a three years’ engagement to the Government as Torpedo Defence Instructor, and joined the Gayundah six months ago.  His lectures are said to be very interesting as well as instructive.

The Gayundah left Brisbane on November 5 for Townsville, ostensibly to serve ammunition where it was required; but Captain Taylor decided to make his trip up the coast as serviceable as possible to the respective Naval Defence Corps, and it is thus that both the Townsville and Rockhampton Corps have been able to take advantage of Gunner Miles’ experience.  The Gayundah reached Townsville on the 9th, and remained there till Wednesday, (the 13th.), where she sailed for this port. On the way, however, she encountered very heavy weather, and was for three days under the islands between Townsville and Mackay, which latter port she was eventually compelled to enter. This being the first occasion of the Gayundah’s visit to Mackay, the vessel was well-nigh rushed by visitors. The gunboat remained at Mackay two days, and left there on Thursday Morning, reaching Rockhampton on Friday at 1 p.m. Upon the Argus representative boarding the vessel on both Friday and Saturday, he was most courteously received by Captain Taylor and his officers, who did their utmost to make him comfortable on board, at the same time giving him a good idea of the ship’s armament.  It were futile to add another to the many descriptions of the Gayundah which have from time to time appeared in these columns.  We cannot, however, refrain from testifying to the clean and neat state in which the gunboat is kept. On boarding the vessel the impression is at once gathered from the appearance of the decks and all that is upon them, that the same spirit is there that has conduced to make the British navy what it is.  The Gayundah’s appearance, inside and out, reflects the greatest credit on Captain Taylor and on those who are in charge of the various departments of the ship.  The gunboat should leave at 4 o’clock this morning for Bundaberg; thence to Maryborough, when the local naval corps will attend Gunner Mille’s (sic) lecture, and she then returns to Brisbane. It is probable that the Gayundah will again visit Rockhampton in May 1890, or some time after the Lytton encampment.   

The Daily Northern Argus (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1875 – 1896)  Mon 25 Nov 1889  Page 3

Brisbane, Qld.

Gayundah Gone. The Queensland gunboat Gayundah left yesterday with ammunition for the Defence forces at Townsville. She will proceed direct to that port, but on her return journey will call at Rockhampton, Bundaberg, and Maryborough, and at each of these places the senior naval officer will inspect the local naval forces.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Wed 6 Nov 1889   Page 2

South Brisbane Drydock

The Gayundah

The Queensland gunboat Gayundah has had her heavy guns taken out, and went into dock this morning for the purpose of having a thorough overhauling. An soon as possible, after this work is completed, she will go down the bay for the purpose of allowing  members of Parliament an opportunity of inspecting the men firing the heavy guns This is the result of the recent Parliamentary inspection, when a general desire was expressed to see the men at real work.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  27 Sep 1889   Page 4

Brisbane, Qld.

Visiting the Gayundah.
An informal inspection of the Queensland gunboat Gayundah and the naval stores was made yesterday, by a number of members of Parliament. The party was courteously received on board by Captain Taylor, senior naval officer, and shown all over the ship, and the men were put through several movements, executing their work in a first-class manner. Among the officers of the ship present were Staff-paymaster Pollock, Staff-engineer Bennett, Torpedo- engineer Russell, and  Navigating-lieutenant Preston. These officers explained at length the use of various things on board under their immediate supervision. A visit was then made to the naval stores at Kangaroo Point, and were here shown a number of articles of warfare, and Torpedo-instructor Mills explained the construction of the torpedo, and showed various ways in which a mine could be discharged. The party were very much impressed with what they saw and also received a good deal of instruction. Captain Taylor pointed out several things to the members of which they had hitherto been in complete ignorance, and the visit ought to prove of considerable advantage to the marine defenders of the colony. Previous to returning to town the party were rowed down to the Merrie England and the members went on board to bid good-bye to Sir William Macgregor.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Thu 12 Sep 1889   Page 4

A reef near Townsville, Qld.


Brisbane, Thursday. — The gunboat Gayundah, which yesterday grounded on a reef near Townsville, has been floated uninjured.

The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 – 1930)  Fri 14 Jun 1889   Page 5

Brisbane, Qld.

The Queensland gunboat Gayundah, will leave for Townsville to-morrow, for the purpose of taking part in the approaching manoeuvres in Cleveland Bay. The senior naval officer was also anxious to take the Mosquito torpedo boat; but the Premier some days ago intimated that it would be undesirable in the present unsettled state of the weather on the coast to take so small a boat as far as Townsville. This arrangement, we are informed, was made before, and not after an announcement had been made in Townsville that the Mosquito would visit that port.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Mon 14 May 1888   Page 4

Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah will leave early next week for the north on her annual training cruise. She will call at Maryborough, Rockhampton, and Townsville, and afterwards proceed to Cairns and Cooktown. At the two last named places two new brigades are being formed, and Captain Wright will see to their being properly established.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Thu 24 Nov 1887   Page 5

Brisbane, Qld.

The gunboat Gayundah left last night for Sydney, and passed Cape Moreton at 4.45 this morning. She has gone south to enable some of her officers and crew to go through a course of torpedo practice on board H.M.S. Nelson, She will return for the Easter manoeuvres.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Sat 27 Mar 1886   Page 4

Brisbane, Qld.

The Queensland gunboat Gayundah has had several repairs and alterations to her machinery executed. During her trip up north the crank pin of the shaft of the port after engine broke. The crank was temporarily repaired by Mr. Wilson, the chief engineer, and has now been thoroughly put in order. Her boilers have also been attended to. The Gayundah will probably go down the bay early this week, when practice in firing heavy and machine guns will be indulged in, and she will afterwards take part in the Easter manoeuvres. The Gayundah will probably take a trip to Sydney before going north, to allow her officers and men to go through a Whitehead torpedo course on board H.M.S. Nelson, which arrived in Sydney on the 14th instant.

The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 – 1934)  Sat 20 Mar 1886  Page 7

Maryborough, Qld.

The appearance of the Queensland Government gunboat Gayundah steaming up the river and anchoring abreast the town of Maryborough furnished an event in our local history, the Gayuudah being the first vessel of war which has visited this town. The Gayundah is one of the two gunboats obtained by the Queensland Government for defence purposes, on the suggestion of Sir W. Jervois and Colonel Scratchley. She arrived in the colony in the early part of this year, and in her share of the military and naval evolutions at Brisbane last Easter proved herself a very handy vessel of war, and useful defender.

Her armament consists of a long 8-inch Armstrong breech-loading gun, projecting from a turret forward; a 6-inch gun of the same class at the stern, but fixed on a vavasour carriage which permits it to be fired in any direction. Both those guns and their gunners are protected by heavy iron shields. On the quarter-deck aft are two Nordenfeldt guns, and on the hurricane deck forward are two more of those terrible modern implements of destruction. The vessel’s fore-top mast has been taken down since the Gayundah’s arrival in the colony, and on the masthead is erected a small pivot-turret containing a five-barrel Nordenfeldt, with an all-round fire, and protected by a strong shield.

The powerful propelling machinery of the Gayundah, which gives her a speed of 10 knots, is, with the officers’ and crew’s quarters, located below the waterline; in fact, the vessel is designed to do as much damage to an enemy, and incur as little herself, as possible.

The Gayundah is at present under the sway of Commander Wright, R.N., who has charge of the Queensland Naval Forces. His officers are— Mr. Hesketh, lieutenant ; Mr. C. E. Wilson, first engin-eer, Mr. J. Richardson, second engineer, and that old friend of the colonial travel ling public, Captain N. G. Buttrey, as navigating officer. The vessel carries a crew of 40 men.

Commander Wright is now returning to Brisbane from his first annual cruise of inspection. He has visited the northern ports with the Gayundah, and reviewed the naval brigade forces at Rockhampton and Townsville. The vessel left Brisbane on 16th November. She left Townsville on 10th December on her return, and reached Woody Island on the morning of the 14th, arriving at Maryborough at 6 p.m.

As the Gayundah is decidedly an object of interest to many of our citizens, we trust she will remain a day or two and be thrown open for inspection.

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser. 15 Dec 1885. Page 3


Brisbane, Qld

The nucleus of the Queensland navy is now anchored in the Garden reach. She is a nuggety specimen of those naval warriors so inalienably associated with English naval history. To an eye possessing any regard for symmetry or grace, the Gayundah is not particularly attractive; she looks anything but that meek and mild and peaceful “painted ship upon a painted ocean.” Making allowance for the want of paint consequent upon a long sea voyage, the Gayundah presents the appearance of any other gunboat—a rouse-me-if-you-dare kind of look; possessing a bow, across the nose of which is stamped “audacity.” A stern part, expressing ” I’m ready to bless with a parting shot at any time,” and a tout ensemble of cool indifference, great determination, and a general thicksetness.

The boat was built by Sir W.G. Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, to the order of the Queensland Government, and was launched in May last. Her dimensions are as follow: Extreme length, 120 feet; breadth, 26 feet; draught of water, 9½ feet. She has a displacement of 360 tons, and is fitted with horizontal direct acting compound engines of 400 indicated horse power. She is built to attain a speed of 10 knots per hour.

Her armament consists of two powerful guns, and two Nordenfelts. The most powerful engine of warfare is in the bows, this is an 8 inch 12 ton Armstrong gun, which is sighted to carry 11,000 yards. In the stern is a 6 inch 4 ton gun, a Wavaseur’s patent, made by Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co. This is protected by an armour-plate screen, which, with the gun and all its apparatus, will train half a circle, so as to be able to fire at objects either on the port or starboard side. The missiles from the 8-inch gun will pierce 16-inch armour plates, and the other will penetrate armour 11 inches thick. Both are manipulated by machinery which is perplexingly intricate to an ignorant onlooker. The Nordenfeldts are fixed near the port and starboard bulwarks aft. These are five-barrelled death-dealing machines, which appear to possess terrific repelling powers against a boarding enemy. We welcome the Gayundah with pleasure, and also Captain Wright, her commander.

The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 – 1934)  4 Apr 1885  Page 7

Batavia, Dutch East Indies

Gayundah arrives at Batavia, en route for Brisbane.